Vectors: Directions And Magnituide

In this lesson, we talk about Vectors, again, but we learn how to unit the Directions or find their Opposite, and how to get the Magnituide of vectors; as for the Unit Directions, you will find the question written as unit directions of AB (with an arrow on top of them); in this case you will minus the points of " B " from the points of " A ", and remember X's together and Y's together, then you get the vector, if you want to get the Opposite you reverse the signs of the Numbers in the vector; but if you want the Magnituide, you write a square root and under it each number power 2 from the vector.

Lets have a quick example, lets say we have the ordered pair A = (3,5) , B = (6,2), to Unit the Direction, which is written AB (with an arrow on top of them), we are going to minus B from A, which looks like <6 - (3) , 2 - (5)>, and equals <3 , -3>, to get the Opposite we reverse their signs, it will be <-3 , 3>, and as for the Magnituide, write a square root and the vector's numbers with power 2, it would look like this: (-3^(2) + 3^(2)), in which the Magnituide equals √18.

Notes: Keep an eye on the signs when Uniting the Direction or Getting the Opposite.