Adding Complex Numbers

Complex Numbers contain 2 important parts, a real part and an imaginary part, the Real part is any normal integer, decimal, or fraction standing alone by itself while the Imaginary part is any integer, decimal, or fraction pairing with i.

For intstance, lets take the problem you see in the image up there, we have 2 Complex Numbers; 2+5i and 4+3i, their sum together is 6+8i.You might ask, how did we get that solution, well, what happened here was that we added the 2 Real parts in both of the equations together, which are 2 and 4, then we added the 2 Imaginary parts in both equations together, which are 5i and 3i( This is called Combinig Like Terms, don't add the Real part with Imaginary part because they're different terms from each other), and we ended up with the result 6+8i .

Reminder: Never Add the Real part with the Imaginary part
Always Add alike terms together:
Real with Real
Imaginary with Imaginary.